API Changes between iOS SDK 15.1.019 and 15.4.033

API Changes between iOS SDK 15.1.019 and 15.4.033

The primary difference between these two SDK versions is added support for Mobile Credential Sharing.

Minor: Added struct SharedCredential:

This new struct has two properties:

Minor: protocol MobileCredential:

Added read-only property sharedCredentials: [SharedCredential]. You can read this property to fetch the list of SharedCredential objects pertaining to the other sites that this credential has been shared with.

Minor: struct DigitalId:

Added field sourceSiteFacilityId: Int which can be used to distinguish Digital Id’s sent from different sites, in a credential sharing environment.

Minor: struct SaltoKeyIdentifier:

Added field sourceSiteFacilityId: Int which can be used to distinguish Salto Keys sent from different sites, in a credential sharing environment.

Experimental: protocol MobileAccess

Added func startOpeningNextDoor(expiry:, delegate:)

This instructs the Mobile Connect SDK to set a timer for the next 7 seconds, wherein the next door that is within BLE range will be automatically opened, even if this is outside the normal auto-connect range. The Gallagher Mobile Connect app ties this to a Siri Shortcut so you can use a voice command to open the nearest door.

Beware: This feature is experimental and if there are multiple doors within close proximity, the wrong one may be opened. We may remove this experimental feature in future in favour of a more comprehensive solution; please treat it accordingly.